I often wonder if patrons were annoyed by people talking during a movie back in the silent film era. After all, you didn't need to listen to a silent movie. In early moving pictures (movies to you and me)you had to read the dialogue in what was called an intertitle. The only sound you usually heard was someone playing live piano music in the theater in sync to the action on screen.

I suppose the following conversation could have occurred:
Movie Patron 1: "I say, Franklin, have you seen these new horseless carriages that are all the rage?"
Movie Patron 2: "Horseless carriages, you say? By George, what will they think of next?"
Annoyed Movie Patron: "If you don't mind, gentlemen, I'm trying to listen to the piano music!"
That's what inspired me to create these silent movie PSA videos. They are probably needed more today than back then. The first one has a short appearance by Charlie Chaplin.
If you are fed up with people talking during movies, you could always use these subtle reminders to silence them. You never know, it might work.
...and the Moving Picture Award goes to...
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