Saturday, July 06, 2013

Project Grizzly

If you've ever watched the heartbreaking documentary Grizzly Man, you know that sadly, bears of any kind
Project Grizzly, Troy Hurtubise, poster, movie, documentary
Troy Hurtubise wearing grizzly armor
won't pass up a chance to make a meal out of you if they're hungry enough. You can't just pal around with bears and not expect them to at least take a sample bite out of you.

That's why you have to be prepared like Troy Hurtubise.

After a random encounter with a grizzly bear that left him unharmed,  Hurtubise decided he wanted to track down the beast to study it in close proximity. Wanting to avoid the fate that Timothy Treadwell would later face, Hurtubise designed a "grizzly-proof" suit  that would allow him to do so.

The armored suit's appearance and lack of mobility can be compared to an overweight Robocop with arthritis. The rigorous tests the suit is put through (many while Hurtubise is wearing it) is not unlike some of the stunts you would see Johnny Knoxville and the Jackass gang performing. In fact, that's what this movie is. It's Jackass meets Robocob meets Jellystone Park. Yogi Bear would not have liked this Roboranger Smith.

Is the suit a success or failure? Is Hurtubise a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket? Watch for yourself and find out.

SCORE: 3.5 out of 5

Listen to Troy Hurtubise's interview about his latest invention he calls The GOD Light.

  How to Kill a Deer with a Knife

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